March Reflection

This month involved some visits to UCC to investigate and broaden my readings for my literature review. Whilst the selection was excellent I felt that the books in DIT were more up to date and offered a broader selection.

In the library I discovered the work of Patricia Cranton and was very drawn to her writings on Transformative Learning.  Of course, transformative learning is not an entirely new concept as I am familiar with the work of Jack Mezirow where reflection and rational thoughts are imperative. This is rational discourse.

As noted by Cranton transformative learning is “a comprehensive and complex description of how learners construe, validate, and reformulate the meaning of their experience” (Cranton, 1994, p.22).

Some points I found of interest are her views on self-directedness where she deems it rather a preference once the learners have acquired the skill. Cranton also agrees that involving learners through collaboration is beneficial once they have sufficient information to make these decisions. Furthermore, power particularly expertise power should be used appropriately (Cranton, 1994).

On reflection, this whole process has been transformative as a researcher and educator and it will be interesting to view with a conceptual lens if it has been transformative for the learners.  Transformative in terms of their views of online learning and their own journey of self-directedness.  Or as Cranton points out will the learners’ existing knowledge inhibit or augment the process.

I have been adding to my literature review and analysing some of the findings in Excel.  I am also preparing to carry out Phase 2 of the research.  I will be considering the work of Patricia Cranton when analysing and interpreting my findings.


Cranton, P. (1994). Undertanding and Promoting Transformative Learning. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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