The following are the Work in Progress Presentations that were carried out during Year 2 along with the supporting slides. These are also discussed in the monthly reflections. I have also included the feedback from presentations which I fond to be both beneficial and motivational.
When I presented the first WIP I realised the complications and challenges that could be presented. These included time as action research is iterative so effectively I would be carrying out the research twice. The development of the research was also dependent on the feedback from the first phase. If students were not willing to co-operate or were uncomfortable with sharing their views then this could jeopardise the research. However, I felt that by creating an environment that would be comfortable and inviting that learners may be willing to participate. Feedback from my supervisor was positive which motivated me to get started as soon as possible particularly when I had received ethical approval in November. However, it was December before I carried out the first phase. I had organised with a tutor to carry out the research with a Training & Development course but due to time constraints I decided to look for an alternative class. This enabled me to develop the artefact over the Christmas period.
Link to First WIP 1
Supporting Material for WIP 1
Supervisor Feedback WIP 1
The following is the feedback that I received from my Supervisor. It was a great boost to get positive feedback and I felt that it both motivated and reassured me that I was on the right track.
Very well structured. A clear synopsis is provided including contextual backdrop. Very clear rational and approach to the research is systematic and clearly justified.
Critical/Analytical Approach:
Strong evidence of critical and analytical approach with extensive reference to relevant literature.
Very well presented overall. Audio visual materials are clear and well organised. It is clear that you have invested time and effort in presentation of both ppt materials and your presentation.
Questions and discussion:
Clear interest in the room ion your presentation! You fielded questions very competently and showed a good understanding of your research area.
General comments:
Very well done! You addressed all of the requirements very well. Your presentation style is excellent and you have a strong grasp of your research questions (which are very clear) and relevant literature.
The second WIP took place in May 2017. My aim was to get as much of the discussion and findings interpreted for both phases so that I would be in a position to show results. Therefore, in terms of progression I felt that I was near the completion of my project and had kept within my timelines. However, I wasn’t expecting to find differences in the results from Phase 1 and Phase 2 and I believe that if I hadn’t completed action research then my results would have been all positive and not a true indicator. The following are the links and supporting documentation used.
Link to First WIP 2
Supporting Material for WIP 2
Supervisor Feedback WIP 2
I was delighted with the positive feedback I received from my Supervisor and it has motivated me to get to the finish line. My supervisor has been very supportive and I always know that she is there if I need clarification or advice on anything. Discussing social constructivism in future development work is a very valid point and I will certainly mention this in my journal. I feel that it is an area that eLearning is currently lacking, particularly for the adult learner. I met with my supervisor after my presentation and she recommended again that I should consider publishing my findings. I was very flattered but I feel that my standard of work may not be up to scratch. Whilst we did have to mention a journal I didn’t really envisage that I would actually consider publishing it. However, I shall reassess this when I receive feedback on my draft journal.