Week 4

The following is a reflection on Week 4 of the Instructional Design and eAuthoring module using Gibbs Reflective Cycle.  The group meeting and homework for this week is also discussed.


Clare Gormley gave an interesting talk on ‘Starting the Conversation about Course Design’ and covered Mindmaps for Visuals and OULDI cards.

Visual Mindmap

Mindmap Template Pic

OULDI – Pedagogical Features Card Sort

We demonstrated this in class where we had to decide if cards we were given were appropriate or not to our project.  Here is a link to where you can download the cards.  It was useful but would be more beneficial at the beginning of the project.  We picked  the following cards where we created two of our own:



Roisin from the library came in to talk to us about planned searches and using the DIT library to search for resources.  It was interesting to see how the work eLearning could show such varied results as some people would write e-learning, eLearning or e learning. Searches are not case sensitive.


The ‘Starting the Conversation about Course Design’ was interesting but I feel it would have been more constructive if it was delivered in the first or second week of the module.  However, I will certainly implement it in future projects.


The diversity of the lecture was interesting and although it is our second talk from the library I did learn some new techniques.


Whilst the lecture briefly covered the Starting the Conversation about Course Design, the access of information that Claire has given us is extensive particularly under Gráinne Conole’s work.  I found the link to the 7Cs of Learning Design Toolkit to be invaluable.  It contains resources tested by the University of Leicesters’ Carpe Diem workshop.  I have come across Carpe Diem in Gilly Salmon’s work and here is the link to these resources.  As noted in the University of Leicester website the aim of this toolkit is ‘to enable the design of deep, engaging and enjoyable learning experiences for learners’.  Furthermore, the 7Cs are conceptualise, capture, create, communicate, collaborate, consider and consolidate.  These resources are licences under Cretive Commons so educators are free reuse them.  The 7Cs e-tivities map gives an overview of all the 7Cs e-tivities and provides links to the rubrics for each one. It is imperative that I invest some time in reviewing these resources which may be beneficial for my project next year.


This lecture has given us a wealth of resources for practical use in course design.  It demonstrates that the analysis stage is fundamental and requires communication and collaboration from all parties involved.

When using the library website it is important to consider the use of keywords e.g. eLearning could be written in several different ways e.g. e-learning e Learning

Action Plan

I must spend some more time on the eLearning Toolkit  under Gráinne Conole and copy across the resources that I may find useful for future projects.


Group Meeting

Lorraine was unable to come to class today so we have postponed the video.  Rachel showed the prototype and it is looking great.  I also showed the girls the prototype and they liked the use of audio.  Rachel made a good point on the background and said a flat background would suit the Articulate character better.  I am now also going to do an overview where I introduce the modules of the course.  This will be done on Articulate so I will edit my script and plan in advance!!

We were also given an hour with our groups which was beneficial.  I am to continue working on the development of the introduction.  Rachel will work on the development of the content and Emma will finalise the site map and she will incorporate a visual mindmap into the project .  I have access to some stock photos so I logged on and we picked some vectors for me to download and share.  This was save us time as we only have literally a few weeks to finalise everything.  Here is our drawings so far courtesy of Rachel.



This week has been another busy week.  I have spent some more time on my annotated bibliography with three papers written to date.  My plan is to get another paper written by Tuesday 24th so that I will be in a position to submit my draft in Week 5.

I have been working on my script and my character Mary is an actual co-learner.  Many elearning resources have a character to instruct but I am currently reading a paper on

I’ve been learning lots on Articulate and have listed the instructions below for future reference.

Layers and Sates in Articulate

I want to create one slide which incorporates my introduction and overview.  I will be using layers to achieve this.  Layers allow me to create different scenarios in one slide.  For example in my base layer Mary will appear in a blank garden and she will after a few callouts and audio her character will change pose and this will be done over a series of layers.  Here is a link to working with layers.

When introducing the buttons that contain an overview of the modules I wanted the border to change so I changed the state (or different view) of the button and used triggers.  States refer to the view of the object and trigger relate to when you want this view/change to happen.  Here is a link on working with states and triggers in Articulate.

This is how Trello is looking this week.

Trello 21 Nov 2015






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