Today is about reflection. Encompassing reflection in my ePortfolio is paramount for the completion of this module. For this journey it is important that I take note of the tips that Claire gave us, particularly the following:
What refers to the experience or action that has occurred. So What refers to the reason it is important and finally What Next refers to what I do next.
Gibb’s Reflective Cycle was also brought to our attention. I have never heard of this model before and is similar to the previous but more in depth.
These models will be useful when I reflect on my weekly learning giving me structure and direction as oppose to going off on a tangent. Learning is a process and as with Kolb’s Learning Cycle reflection is a vital part for the learning to occur.
These tools can also be used for my own learners. Currently for each of the modules an assignment is included, however, there is no reflection element to it. Incorporating an additional reflective piece will enable the learners to acknowledge what they have learned from their experience. This could be done as a social constructive activity where learners can post reflective pieces in a forum (using their name or even anonymously if they feel it is too personal). Other learners could then contribute so it becomes a collaborative reflection. The process will be determined by the discipline in question.
Some other important tips for completing the ePortfolio:
- Subjective – can be personal, hypothetical, critical and creative
- Refer to literature
- Make connections between theory and practice
- Different styles of writing are allowed e.g. descriptive, explanatory and expressive. However, full sentences and complete paragraphs are necessary.